Home . Synthetic wigs by Texture . Curly . Tight Curly Wig
Tight Curly Wig
Tight Curly Wig
Wild, untamed and daring. . . Express your feelings in this passionately sensational sophistication. Alternating curls of different size and shape flow naturally and blended as done in exclusive salons. The wig is made from the finest KANEKALON fiber. Originated in Japan, Kanekalon is he most practical and realistic looking fiber and has been extensively used by top wig designers for many years.

This style is so luscious and thick you will be amazed. The wig has long, flowing layers of outrageously glamorous bounce.- all you have to do it take it out of the wig, give it a quick shake and it is ready to wear.

You can style this wig up high, smooth it down, and part it anywhere you like. Versatility is endless with this wig.

Length: 27” (layered)

Crown: This wig has a "Perma-Tease" or "Perma-Lift" is a crimping effect done at the root of the wig to create a permanent volumized look. This will lessen the styling time and you will not be causing any damage with back combing or teasing to the fiber.

Material: Synthetic